Answer key upsc apfc exam, assistant commissioner, epfo cutoff discussion. Upsc scheduled to appoint 257 enforcement officer and accounts officer posts. Selection procedure of assistant public provident fund commissioner in epfo. Upsc conducts epfo assistant provident fund commissioner exam as an objective model test. Epfo assistant admit card 2019 for mains released download here. National fertilizers limited nfl non executive iti online form 2019. Epfo assistant admit card 2019 out at epfindia steps to.
Could you please tell me what should i study for the post of assistant commissioner of employee. Written test will contain objective type multiple choice questions. Nvs has planned to conduct online examination cbt for the posts of assistant commissioner, assistant and computer operator in first phase. So, once the applicants who have the interest in this apfc notification they kindly know the below upsc apfc vacancy. Recruitment to the post of assistant public provident fund commissioner in epfo is conducted on the basis of scores obtained in written test and final interview conducted by upsc. Union public service commission released an official web notification regarding upsc epfo admit card 2017. Appliers who want to download upsc apfc syllabus, exam pattern can download it here. The epfo call letter for the post of assistants assistant section officer prelims exam 2019 is now released. I joined the epfo as an assistant commissioner apfc in 20. Join the discussion on upsc assistant labour commissioner notification 2019 and get all the details about the union public service commission, upsc alc exam date, admit card, preparation and much. In this post we are providing you the upsc assistant provident fund commissioner previous year solved question papers of the all the series. Epfo recruitment 2020, upsc epfo vacancy 2020 notification.
Union public service commission upsc name of the post. Studyplan assistant provident fund commissioner apfc. How to become an ips officer after passing 10th class. In case a candidate does not have a valid personal email id, he she should create hisher new email id and mobile no. Last 10 year previous year question papers pdf of banks. Upsc may release the official notification for epfo vacancies in january 2020 for the posts of social security assistant vacancy. Uppsc computer operator typing test admit card 2020. Candidates who are applying for the epfo ssa notification 2020 can get here the complete details related to ssa exam pattern, exam dates, syllabus, etc.
Catch all these important old questions papers free of. Exam admit card banks, airlines, ssc, upse, railway, psc. An online written test will be conducted for these posts by nfl. All previous year question papers are obtainable here on this page. You can also check about the interview call letter 2020 too. Pattern of epfo assistant provident fund commissioner exam. Passionate candidates who think that this job is for them, they are most welcome. Complete set of papers of various years of upsc apfc exam are shared below. Ministry of labour and employment has issued a recruitment notification to recruit assistant provident fund commissioner posts by upsc. Click here to download postman 2012 exam call letter. There will be penalty onethird of the marks for each incorrect answer. Wbhrb laboratory assistant interview call letter 2020. Apfc download previous years question papers 2002, 2004. The online registrations were held from 20 june to 9 july 2015 in which many applicants applied online for epfo.
Candidates have to download admit card from the official website of upsc, upsc candidates can download their admit cards either with registration number or with roll number. Updates of sarkari result, sarkari exam, sarkari naukri, latest govt jobs and sarkari rojgar are provided here. Download all latest exam admit card, hall ticket, call. When will epfo assistant commission admit card be issued.
Mark list of all candidates appeared in the phasei of. Upsc apfc admit card 2015 notification download link for upsc apfc previous year papers with answer key. Upsc apfc previous year papers with answer key download. As we know that union public service commission is conducting recruitment for the 170 vacancies of upsc assistant provident fund commissioner post 2015. Ease of doing business downloads recruitments tenders auctions. The online registrations were held from 20 june to 9 july 2015 in which many applicants applied online for epfo apfc post. Most of the information on internet regarding previous years question papers and cutoffs of apfc etc. The notification of upsc apfc recruitment 2020 can be seen at the official website. Total marks allotted for the test is 100 and time allotted for the completion of the same is 2 hours. Indiavacancyin is a govt job information portal which provides details of all sarkari exam, sarkari result, sarkari naukri and all the latest govt jobs 20192020. Where can i get classroom test series for assistant public provident fund commissioner exam.
Central government jobs central government jobs and. Previous papers are one of the weapons for every competitive exam. Download pgt result click here download assistant computer operator result click here. Epfo assistant previous question papers pdf download. Check details here union public service commission is going to announce the epfo apfc cut off marks in the forthcoming months.
Epfo exam papers epfo assistant previous question papers pdf. The prime aim of this group is to have productive discussion on industrial relations and social security, labour laws and general accounting principles. Massive number of job aspirants applied and looking for exam date, upsc epfo admit card 2017 upsconline. Daily updates of recruitment download admit card,results. Download upsc apfc admit card 2015 for the assistant provident fund commissioner exam 2015 upsc epfo apfc admit card 2015.
Where can i get classroom test series for assistant public. Download associate sbi clerk exam admit card online. Nfl accounts assistant admit card 2017 office assistant. Read more about epfo assistant admit card 2019 out at epfindia steps to download on businessstandard. Previous question papers of assistant commissioner of epfo. Candidates can check their result for assistant provident fund commissioner exam which is going to be held in the month of february 2017 through online mode. Initially, i underwent a 45day on job training ojt programme, which. For all this, you need to follow this article closely. Applications are shortly invited from interested apt candidates for filling the vacant post of assistant provident fund commissioners against the recruitment advertisement. Union public service commission has release the syllabus and exam pattern for written exam of assistant provident fund commissioner posts. Epfo assistant 280 posts notification out salary rs. Epfo assistant phase ii admit card 2019 released, heres direct link.
My both assistant provident fund commissioner exam and acio ii mha exam are collided on same date i. Exam 2017 latest updates nfl exams 2017 exam date national fertilizers ltd. It is expected that there were nearly seven lacs candidates appeared in the exam of apfc on 2309 2012. Recruitment for assistant public provident fund commissioner, airworthiness officer in 2012. Answer key upsc apfc exam,assistant commissioner,epfo. Website content managed by content owned by union public service commission, new delhi, india. The pf commissioners are the backbone of the epfo and are responsible for the enforcement and administration of the organisation.
Because we had given epfo assistant old question prelims exam papers and the epfo assistant mains exam previous papers in the form of pdf. By this latest government jobs, the higher officials of epfo is hiring the efficient candidates to fill the 280 assistant posts. Admit card is announced for junior assistant positions by upsssc under junior assistant examination 2015 where the government will recruit chief engineer, commissioner, and director education etc. Before you download the previous years question papers of assistant provident fund commissioner s exam apfc, read this. Epfo recruitment 2020, upsc epfo vacancies notification apply online. To download the admit card for epfo assistant exam 2019, the candidates need to keep the important credentials like registration number, roll. Union public service commission will conduct the assistant provident fund commissioner recruitment test on 23rd september, 2012 to fill 253 posts of assistant provident fund commissioners in. So, go through the below given previous year papers and start preparing for the examination.
Computer data entry skill test social security assistant click here to. Corrigendum of revised vacancy position for direct recruitment examination to the post of assistant assistant section officer in epfo. Designed, developed by akiko sherman infotech last updated 15 apr 2020. Upsc apfc recruitment test time table, exam pattern and. Assistant public provident fund commissioner, airworthiness officer name of the organisation. Download all the previous question papers pdf with the exam previous year questions solved papers. Epfo ssa exam model paper is available here for the post of social security assistant ssa. What is epfo assistant commission exam syllabus and pattern.
Candidates can download their epfo assistant phase 2 admit card by. All the candidates who applied for the epfo assistant commissioner exam may download the admit card from below links date of exam. Check all the details and download the admit cards for future reference. On this page, you have the choice of checking the apfc notification 2020. Candidates shall apply for the posts through filling online application form at upsc. How to download upsc admit card for the post of assistant provident fund commissioner exam. Candidates can download nimcet 2012 admit card for nit mca common entrance test 2012 for admission into mca programme. Epfo may send intimation to download call letters for the examination etc.
Kindly mail me last 2yrs question paper of the said exam and name of some reference books which would enable me to preaper for the exam. Epfo enforcement officer recruitment 2020 complete study notes. Selection process for assistant public provident fund. Epfo eo exam 2020 complete study notes available, epfo enforcement officer recruitment 2020 complete study notes available, epfo assistant recruitment exam 2019 complete study notes epfo vacancy is coming 30th may 2019, upsc is set to conduct the exam for the recruitment for assistants recruitment 2019 in the employees provident fund organization epfo. Call letter for social security assistant phaseii exam 14. Where should we download admit cards hall tickets of assistant provident fund commissioner exam. Nimcet admit card 2012 download is made available for written test held at agartala, allahabad, bhopal, calicut, durgapur, jamshedpur, kurukshetra, raipur, surathkal, tiruchirappalli and warangal centres. Download all latest exam admit card, hall ticket, call letter sarkari results announced. Check out latest employment news epaper of this week highlights. Epfo recruitment 2019 employees provident fund organization epfo has published the recruitment notification to fill the 280 vacant seats. Once the application process of upsc epfo enforcement officer is over, upsc releases the admit card for the examination. Pattern and reference books for epfo assistant provident. Assistant provident fund commissioner written exam apfc epfo cut off marks 2016 expected date result 2016. I have applied for the post of assistant commissioner of epfo conducted by upsc.
Candidates who are eligible and interested to become a assistant provident fund commissioner they can apply online mode by visiting upsc official site before last date. Download all solved question papers for appearing the examination. What is the pattern of upsc assistant commissioner provident fund examination. Download admit card upsc apfc exam, assistant provident. Nfl admit card 2017 call letter nfl 2017 hall ticket nfl 2017 entrance pass nfl exam 2017 download admit card national fertilizers ltd. Union public service commission upsc has released the admit card for download for its assistant provident fund commissioner exam. Are you searching for epfo assistant previous question papers. Final result of the direct recruitment examination main examination held on 07.
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